Ebony Wyatt

Specializing in public speaking, facilitation and driving diversity and inclusion.


Speaker, facilitator and moderator of critical conversations.


Diversity and inclusion driver, change champion, bridge builder and people focused leader.


Inspirational, effective and out front leader with seventeen years of consumer products Sales experience.

The Power of Stories

“Our stories are powerful and transformative! Telling them can free you and others!” -Ebony Wyatt

“Ebony has depth, sincerity and inspiration that can only be formed by having gone through the fire and coming out stronger. She gives audiences the confidence and the expectation of excellence that we all need.”

— Anton Vincent, President, Mars Wrigley North America

"Ebony is not afraid to speak to hard truths, but she does so in a way that audiences can readily accept them."

— Kim Nelson, former SVP External Relations, General Mills

Ebony is a dynamic person and leader. She is an energy maker who inspires and motivates her audiences to think out of the box and be solution oriented.

— Jason Nichol, SVP Walmart, Tyson Foods

"Ebony is a force of inspiration and positive energy. Her spirit and story make you feel prepared to go out and reach your own goals. I highly recommend connecting and hearing her story when you have the opportunity."

— Matt Story, Host of What’s Your Story? Podcast

“I have noticed that when Ebony speaks, people listen. Personally, when I hear her presentations, I feel motivated to take action.”

— Matt Waller, Dean, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas